The Aurora Borealis

Last Night I saw the Aurora Borealis for the first time. Truthfully it wasn’t how I imagined it, but it was no less exciting. Returning Home from a Social Evening in the Village the sky was full of soft pale areas. They were like streaks and smudges on clear glass. There was no obvious colour. I can only guess that the level of light pollution suppressed the colours . But when viewed through the process of photography the colours and the darker bands then revealed themselves and it was nothing short of breathtaking.

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A Summary of my Posts onto Instagram This Past week

I Posted twice this week, both onto Tempsford Diary. Each Image taken on the same damp overcast walk on the woodland trail in my village. 

Taking Flight.

The first post  ‘Taking Flight’  is this simple composition of fresh growth on a low growing tree with some flowering buds. The angle of the stem and the blossom leaves reminded me of birds rising in the wild. 

The second called Symbiosis also of a detail. This time of ivy growing on a tree. It was really the way the colours work together in this one I liked the brown of the tree bark and the shades of green and the Ivy, and this was the point of the title symbiosis, which roughly speaking refers to the idea that there is a parasite and a host, and they benefit from each other, and I’m referring to the visual benefits if you like. I liked the patterns within patterns. The topographyof the bark, the the vines of the ivy and then the leaves of various sizes with the variegation on each. so very simple image, but one which in my mind was more complex than it might first appear.


Both of these were shot on my iPhone 12. I used the Portrait Mode for ‘Taking Flight’ It took a little bit of work to get the right position to throw the background out of focus enough to isolate the stem. If anyone  had been nearby they’d have heard some bad words. Typically it’s easier on bigger subjects the system designed, as its name suggests, for photographing humans and pets.

I was  pleased with the result and the fact that the background was largely neutral, allowing the pink of the blossom to be as prominent as it was.